CASE STUDYAbout this project
This Soccer App is a web application built using the MERN stack that allows users to create and manage soccer tournaments.
The following technologies were used to build this project:
- MongoDB - database
- Express.js - server
- React.js - frontend
- Node.js - backend
- TypeScript - programming language
- Mongoose - object data modeling (ODM) library
- React Router - routing library for React.js
- Redux Toolkit - state management library for React.js
- Axios - promise-based HTTP client for the browser and Node.js
- Moment.js - lightweight library for date and time parsing and formatting
- React Toastify - notification library for React.js
- Styled Components - CSS-in-JS library
- Tailwind CSS - utility-first CSS framework
- Twin.macro - twin-style library for Tailwind CSS
- PostCSS - CSS preprocessor
- ESLint - code linter
- Prettier - code formatter
- Husky - Git hooks library
- Concurrently - command line tool to run multiple commands concurrently
Example credentials
password: 123456